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These are two videos related to BCE Productions and RDProductions joint machinima collab, called The Not So Super Spartans, which has been going very well from what we hav ... Read more »
Category: The Not So Super Spartans | Views: 91856 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/07/05 | Comments (1715)

The long awaited Not So Super Spartan's movie-length pilot is underway, with the help of Frank Rosati of Rosati's Deathly Productions!


Thanks for your audience!

Category: The Not So Super Spartans | Views: 41714 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/06/23 | Comments (36)


go to those sites NOW!

Category: Other | Views: 11643 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/04/30 | Comments (2)

Let me just explain to everyone: CHANGE IS NOT THE DEVIL!

Category: News Updates | Views: 4709 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/04/07 | Comments (0)

I figured I'd post a couple of my ideas on what should be implemented into a new COD game or a patch for MW2. Hope you agree and pass these along to your friends.

Pro perks were awesome. Pro EQUIPMENT, now that's just incredible to think about. Just gimme a sec to come up with some ideas...

Okay I have some:

--Frag Grenade pro - Larger blast radius / Less tendancy to roll (or more)

--Semtex pro - No beeping noise when thrown = doesn't show up on the enemies' HUD

--Throwing Knife pro - Knife doesn't ark and can be shot like a regular gun over longer ranges

--Tactical Insertion - Sound when planting and through the duration of activity should: A, be audible to only friendlies or B, not be audible at all

--Blast Shield - Slight protection against headshots

--Claymore - proximity detonatio ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 14498 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/03/29 | Comments (7)


Tell Ben he can suck a fat cock next time you see him LOL

Category: News Updates | Views: 4223 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/03/05 | Comments (0)

1st: We have an MW2 gameplay/commentary up on our channel. Come check it out. 
2nd: I've started a NEW MW2 clan. You should check that out too. http://shockforceclan.webs.com/
3rd: It seems our beloved director, slaughterville6, has given up Machinima for good. We all wish him the best of luck on the road ahead.
Category: News Updates | Views: 4097 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/03/02 | Comments (0)

This is the information on BCE Productions' first suit of Halo armor, currently in construction:

The armor consists of all standard Mark VI Spartan pieces, however, the torso piece is a Halo 2 ODST torso, unfolded by Robogenesis. I chose to make the ODST torso because the design is slightly bigger then the Mark VI torso I have.

The armor pieces are made of a card stock (thick paper) base, waterproofed and treated with Aqua resin (similar to polyurathane resin) and fiberglassed on the insides to provide support. The pieces will then be spray painted with three different coats of paint: one primer, one silver (for shine), one blood red. After padding, and the input of a visor, the armor is done.

The weaponry (Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Frag Grenades) will be done slightly differently:

After pepping (cutting and folding), the next step is to waterproof and coat the pieces with aqua resin. Howev ... Read more »
Category: Armor Updates | Views: 4707 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/01/18 | Comments (4)

First off, I'd just like to let everyone know that I slept with Tiger Woods. Can I have my money now, or later in the form of giant check?
Anyway, I recently made a video for my personal Top 5 Games of the year 2009 (not just made in 2009, played in 2009). This is a school update, so I can't access my YouTube account to put it on this post. Don't worry though. When I get home I will. What you can do for now is actually GO to my YouTube channel, and find it in the UPLOADS section.
But before you do that even, watch the featured video, and tell me what you think. Just to clarify, I am sh0ck cp sh0ck, it is MY montage teaser, for MY montage. Sick-sauce? You bet your ass it is.
Category: Other | Views: 6175 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 10/01/12 | Comments (0)

Title explains itself. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. Just read the update and figure it out for yourself.


Armor piece: / Pepped / Resined / Bondo / Painted / Padded

Helmet: Pepped

Chest plate: Pepped

Left Forearm: Pepped

Right Forearm: Pepped

Left Bicep: Pepped

Right Bicep: Not started

Cod/Ass piece (lol): Not started

Left Thigh: Not started

Right Thigh: Not started

Left Shin: Not Started

Right Shin: Not started

Boots: Not started

Glove plates: Not started

Assault Rifle: Pepped (needs to be re-done)

Category: Armor Updates | Views: 12925 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/12/28 | Comments (8)

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