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Main » 2009 » June » 8 » BCE Productions Guest Directors Program
BCE Productions Guest Directors Program
11:55 PM
Actually, this week marks the launch of our Guest Directors Program, a program made for small-time Machinimators who'r looking to get an edge on their filming. As an advantage for them, a little bit of our minor success is passed down on them, and our popularity is increased as well. It's a win-win. Or a phail-phail. I can't tell which.
Anyway, we give these small timers a push out the nest into the big world of Machinimating, with a little bit of a fanbase and their name traveling the interwebz by word of mouth, and enough experience to entertain their audiences. We will take in the first 10 HALO 3 Machinima directors, and we'll play favourites here too and recommend the top 3 of these directors to advance into Machinima.com's Directors Program (oh yeah, we can do that). We're just giving back to the community, thru t3h LULZ!
A list of terms to abide by:
1. All your work must be e-mailed to us, or if we trust you, uploaded yourself to our channel (which probably won't happen, but it's still an option)
2. Your work must be made according to a scedule (probably not that hard to follow, at the least 1 machinima a week, specified by us, and other works can be uploaded on your own time)
3. Your work must contain absolutely NO COPYRIGHTED CONTENT!!!1!!ONE! It just looks bad for us K?!
4. We have full right to change the title, descrition, tagging, and in some cases, censor some of your work if we feel neccessary on OUR channel (which won't happen a whole lot, and anything on your channel will remain as-is)
And some things to remember when applying:
You can still upload all of your work to your own channel/website, and anything that isn't machinima
You still get to make what you want. We have no creative force on your work, so keep doing what you want to.
On our channel and website, you'll have your own playlist full of all your works, and your own section in the Group Directors Program section of the site (which will be up soon, but not now).
And you will also have access to our help with whatever you may need when producing your Machinimas. We will help when we can, so just send us a PM over YouTube (XBL if you'd like, but don't count on us getting to it fast) if you have any questions or need any assistance.
So at that, you can join the directors program by leaving a comment on this post saying that you'd like to join, and we'll discuss more later.
Hope this inspires some to try Machinima as a means of entertainment, and to advance further in their work. Peace!
Current members of our Guest Directors Program:
1. Slaughterville6 *low-medium*
Category: News Updates | Views: 1257 | Added by: bceproductions | Rating: 5.0/1 |
Total comments: 3
3 Lincoln Rush  
Ah I see. I agree that I'm not the best.

2 Chris Pitman  
low medium as in your machinimating rate. you're pretty good, but you have much to learn.

1 Lincoln Rush  
low medium my ass! jk. What does low medium even mean?

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