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Main » 2009 » August » 28 » Xbox Live. Suck. Hard.
Xbox Live. Suck. Hard.
1:04 PM
Since nothing seems to be working well this week, other then a few contracts and plans erected (giggle all you want, it still makes you the fag), we figured we'd do what anyone with no technological savvy would do. We're hitting the reset button.

On a couple things. Like...

1. Capture Card, as I had said before. It's broken, so we're trying to find something else. Definitely not my P.O.S. Diamond VC500. Maybe we'll go with the Dazzle DVC 100. Who knows? No one that's who.

2. My Xbox, and I'm trying to decide between the 120 GB version and the Elite, so I don't have to run into the whole RRoD problem anymore.

3. With my Xbox, a new Xbox Live account and GT, of course. Which is the main theme of this update. If anyone sent me a message on Xbox Live of any importance in the past couple days, re-send it to me in a PM on YouTube or an Email! This is important, as I will no longer be using sh0ck cp sh0ck as an account anymore!

Thanks for your time...

OH! And on a final note:

Holy shit, in the entire 5 months we used Freewebs to host our site, we only had a total of (recounted today) 114 hits. On this site, we now have a total (also counted today) of an amazing 731 hits. You guys really are awesome.

Category: News Updates | Views: 1032 | Added by: bceproductions | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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