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Slaughterville6 here. This is an old post. I'm copy pasting it from my blog. It's the reason why you haven't seen any GDP videos from me for a god damn month.



Okay, the capture card thing was a gift and waiting to get taken.


I'm really pissed off. no machinima for a month or two, cuz I have to get my damn armor and maps back.


This sucks.

I have a lot of stuff back by now, but I'll tell you what I still need-
Capture Card
2 wired controllers
Orange Juice
I need some sort of recommendations for capture cards. This is the one I'm looking at. Tell me what you think.
< ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 1048 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/26 | Comments (0)

Go there. NOA!
Okay, down to business. I'd just like to tell everyone that you're going to see a lot less of these text posts once I get my camcorder. It's gonna be video posts from there on out. And not like the crappy ones I tried with my gaming mic, these new ones are actually gonna have sound. So be cool.
I get a lot more work done at school now, don't I?
Category: News Updates | Views: 900 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/24 | Comments (0)

Sitting w/ Darnell. Not doing anything. You love it.
Kidding. I've been talking w/ Lincoln about Off Da BLK season 1 finale. I made a draft script about it, and so did he, and he combined our best ideas and moulded them into one. It looks awesome.
That's a lie. It sucks. Actually, I haven't gotten a chance to view it yet, because he likes to hand write stuff. Lame.
So that's it. Keep checking the website for moar updates. Possibly from school. You love it.
Category: News Updates | Views: 910 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/18 | Comments (0)

You love it. I'm in my library and disobeying orders. You love it.
Category: News Updates | Views: 927 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/11 | Comments (1)

Why am I up so early? What do you mean get dressed? I have to go where?!


Category: News Updates | Views: 883 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/08 | Comments (0)

Remember the last post after that insanely large rant (the boner of which you still have) and I said I was gonna surprise you guys a little bit throughout the next couple weeks? Well I wasn't lying.

The first surprise is a solution to a long-bothering problem of mine, the lack of the appropriate codec in this site's entry poster to embed videos. So guess what? There's a Media Site where you can view our latest 3 videos, along with our most discussed, top rated, and most viewed videos, so you won't have to go around the YouTube archives looking for them (and it is a bit of a challenge to find my top rated and most viewed now that our channel is upgraded to the BETA version).



(also what Slaughterville said about him updating thi ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 990 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/09/01 | Comments (1)

No, I don't wanna make a blog post.

'Why not?'

Because I have nothing to write about!

'What do you mean, nothing? It's our aniversery!'

Ben, I don't know where you're getting at with this...

'No silly, BCE Productions' first successful (if you could call it that) year of business!'

Well that's just great. Now make me a cheese sammich BITCH!


Well, aside from all that household racket that you would normally hear around BCE Productions HQ, there's been a buzz around the offices about how we're gonna celebrate our 1st year in the big time, so lets start off with what you were all hoping for. A pointless rant.


"BCE Productions was the brainchild of a game Ben a ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 908 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/08/31 | Comments (0)

Since nothing seems to be working well this week, other then a few contracts and plans erected (giggle all you want, it still makes you the fag), we figured we'd do what anyone with no technological savvy would do. We're hitting the reset button.

On a couple things. Like...

1. Capture Card, as I had said before. It's broken, so we're trying to find something else. Definitely not my P.O.S. Diamond VC500. Maybe we'll go with the Dazzle DVC 100. Who knows? No one that's who.

2. My Xbox, and I'm trying to decide between the 120 GB version and the Elite, so I don't have to run into the whole RRoD problem anymore.

3. With my Xbox, a new Xbox Live account and GT, of course. Which is the main theme of this update. If anyone sent me a message on Xbox Live of any importance in the past couple days, re-send it to me in a PM on YouTube or an Email! This is important, as I will no longer be using sh0ck cp ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 1015 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/08/28 | Comments (0)

So... what's new?

Actually, I'd rather not get acquianted with you. I don't even like you. Stupid.

So, if you saw the video update that I made the other day (not the completely silent one, which was very scary), it had a lot of information that, at first, wasn't false, and then time went on, and it became false. The circle of life for a post. Get used to it.

Anyway, due to cost restraints from...






...I cannot afford to pay Reagle Bros. for their editing services. HOWEVER, I have found someone even better who's free to help. Kral Studios has offered to edit my montage FO FREE and has much experience. If you're familiar with MLG, you'll know he's also doing the editing ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 1001 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/08/26 | Comments (0)

It's Chris, here to tell you that, genuinly, my 32 subscibers and all the other people who stumbled upon and liked my videos and did all the nice things that got me to the (mildly) successful position I'm in today. If it had not been for the support of my early fanbase that got me going into much more advanced styles of movie making like my early days of Pivot, different video editor tools, our current thriving machinima careers, and our up and coming attempts at live action, we wouldn't be where we are today.


You all still fail... epicly. So I'm going to try my hand one more time at an totally EPIC event. But instead of having MYSELF come up with it, I want YOU to! That includes my reliable and creative staff too, I want all your ideas NOA!

But seriously, if you can come up with an Xbox Live or YouTube event, Viral Video of some sorts, or anything that would leave a mark on the gaming and machin ... Read more »
Category: News Updates | Views: 964 | Added by: bceproductions | Date: 09/08/15 | Comments (0)

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