This is the information on BCE Productions' first suit of Halo armor, currently in construction:
The armor consists of all standard Mark VI Spartan pieces, however, the torso piece is a Halo 2 ODST torso, unfolded by Robogenesis. I chose to make the ODST torso because the design is slightly bigger then the Mark VI torso I have.
The armor pieces are made of a card stock (thick paper) base, waterproofed and treated with Aqua resin (similar to polyurathane resin) and fiberglassed on the insides to provide support. The pieces will then be spray painted with three different coats of paint: one primer, one silver (for shine), one blood red. After padding, and the input of a visor, the armor is done.
The weaponry (Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Frag Grenades) will be done slightly differently:
After pepping (cutting and folding), the next step is to waterproof and coat the pieces with aqua resin. Howev
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