I figured I'd post a couple of my ideas on what should be implemented into a new COD game or a patch for MW2. Hope you agree and pass these along to your friends.
Pro perks were awesome. Pro EQUIPMENT, now that's just incredible to think about. Just gimme a sec to come up with some ideas...
Okay I have some:
--Frag Grenade pro - Larger blast radius / Less tendancy to roll (or more)
--Semtex pro - No beeping noise when thrown = doesn't show up on the enemies' HUD
--Throwing Knife pro - Knife doesn't ark and can be shot like a regular gun over longer ranges
--Tactical Insertion - Sound when planting and through the duration of activity should: A, be audible to only friendlies or B, not be audible at all
--Blast Shield - Slight protection against headshots