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Main » 2009 » December » 2 » School Updates LOL!
School Updates LOL!
3:43 PM
This is the first school update in a while cuase I haven't been able to log in from the school comps. I don't know how I did now but w/e. Say hi to Darnell.
To get things started, as Slaughty probably said in his last update, Off Da BLK is being filmed over weekends this month and episode 1 will probably be out soon. I gave them a deadline.
Wut? Oh, right, we've written all the scripts for season 1 and i guess nearly all the scripts for season 2. I had some pretty good ideas for season 1 end which Slaughty incorporated into the finalized script. Kenny dies. I become the new 3rd member. The show will become Off Da BLC. Makes more sense right?
Anyway, 1337 SPEAK, we haven't touched on that in quite a while haven't we? We did some filming back in early November but I don't know where that took us. I'm trying to negotiate more filming dates, but y'know, school and stuff seem to be getting in the way a lot lately. I'm usually the more proactive person in the group (which is kinda wierd cuase I'm not even head of the company). We'll resume filming soon, I promise, and after that, all Ben has to do is light editing and we'll be done. We don't even have to record our own voices for the dialouge, considering we're using Text To Speech.
People, you've known I've had my 360 for a while connected to Xbox Live, in direct contact with my computer, so there's no way we should be pumping out machinima like a pair of horny machinima bunny rabbits.
But there's still a problem. A lot of confusion made me delete the driver software for my capture card on the computer. SOO...
FML, right?
That's it for today my friends. Check back soon.
PS: I will complete the MW2 review I posted a couple weeks back, my boner from the game has not subsided just yet.
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