This is the first school update in a while cuase I haven't been able to log in from the school comps. I don't know how I did now but w/e. Say hi to Darnell.
To get things started, as Slaughty probably said in his last update, Off Da BLK is being filmed over weekends this month and episode 1 will probably be out soon. I gave them a deadline.
Wut? Oh, right, we've written all the scripts for season 1 and i guess nearly all the scripts for season 2. I had some pretty good ideas for season 1 end which Slaughty incorporated into the finalized script. Kenny dies. I become the new 3rd member. The show will become Off Da BLC. Makes more sense right?
Anyway, 1337 SPEAK, we haven't touched on that in quite a while haven't we? We did some filming back in early November but I don't know where that took us. I'm trying to negotiate more filming dates, but y'know,
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